Yen-Teh Liu

Contact Me

About Me

A dreamer and a practitioner, dwelling in US to start my career. Computer Science master student in University of Colorado Boulder. Interested in data science, machine learning and software engineering. Expected to graduate in May 2017. Looking for a full-time position for software engineer or data scientist.

Linkedin and Github pages are provided at the header section, contact me for more information or any job opportunities.



CU Boulder Apprenticeship Program Website

Help building the website for Discover Learning center in University of Colorado Boulder for the apprenticeship program. There are three main sites, professor site, student site and administrator site.

The professors can fill out the project informations and the requirements for the students who would like to apply for the project. The students can apply for apprenticeship in the projects they are interested in and can also search the projects information base on their searching criteria. The administrator can either assign the student for specific project based on their interests or use build-in auto-matching functionality.

The website is hosted under amazon aws. Developed with MySQL as database, Python flask as backend language, Javascript and JQuery as front-end language.

Expdia Hotel Recommendation

Expdia Hotel Recommendation on Kaggle. Rank the hotel clusters for the specifc searching for the users from the most likely hotel to the least likely one given the history booking and searching data.

OpenGL Car Racing Game

Third person car racing game based on OpenGL with collsion detection functionality.

WeTravel, Collaborative Travel Schedule Web App

WeTravel is a collaborative travel schedule application, it provides a more convenient platform for a group of users to schedule their travel schedule together. They can add schedule, draw on the map and chat at the same time.

The web application is build up in React JS with firebase realtime database.

Work Experience

Deep Learning and Audio Engineering Intern- Qualcomm (2016 summer)

Utilize the latest deep learning algorithm(Deep Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network) to design and implement the noise reduction system. Focus on wind noise reduction system on automobile. The deep learning model is trained with Microsoft Computational Network Toolkit.

Research Assistant - Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2014 - 2015)

Design new machine learning approach(Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Deep Neural Network) on hearing aids algorithm. Mainly focus on the patients with high frequency hearing loss who have problems in consonant recognition.

Student Intern - Microsoft Taiwan (2012 - 2013)

Microsoft student trainer for Windows 8, Office 2013 and Xbox 360. Help instructing and holding lessons for local computer sales person on Microsoft product.